Potency problems are one of the most painful topics for any man. Sexual health is influenced by many factors, which include exposure to stress, lifestyle, heavy physical exertion. It is possible to have a beneficial effect on male potency with the help of certain products, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many years of experience.
How potency depends on nutrition
Vitamins and minerals that are part of food affect the health of any person. Therefore, there is a direct dependence of male power on the quantity and quality of food consumed.
Products useful for male potency should contain:
- vitamins of groups B, A, E and ascorbic acid;
- minerals, especially zinc and selenium.
These substances have a direct impact on the quality and quantity of sperm, the synthesis of the necessary hormones and the functioning of the genitourinary system. In addition, they produce a general strengthening effect, enhance the protective functions of the body, stimulate blood circulation and prevent premature aging. All those qualities that products for male potency have have a positive effect on the duration of erection, increase sexual desire and increase the duration of sexual life.
Many, wanting to make up for the lack of valuable substances, take vitamin complexes. However, synthetic additives work worse than natural compounds.
Products that are useful for potency provide men with a sufficient supply of energy. Therefore, most of them have a high energy value.
Equally important is the mode of nutrition. Food should be consumed fractionally - in small portions, 4-5 times a day. Abundant food inhibits the absorption of nutrients, so most of them leave the body naturally.
Products will not save you from impotence. She requires medical treatment. But the right diet is a good prevention and delays its onset. They also provide significant assistance in the complex treatment of this disease.
What food can be harmful to male power
Products that are harmful to potency adversely affect sexual strength, the quantity and quality of sperm, and reduce testosterone production. Their presence in the diet should be avoided or reduced to a minimum.
Products that are harmful to potency include:
- sweet pastries;
- products containing cholesterol in large quantities;
- fast food;
- alcohol;
- various smoked meats;
- sweet sparkling water;
- linseed, soybean and corn oils;
- drinks with a high concentration of caffeine.
In addition, such an addiction as smoking can lead to impotence. Therefore, those representatives of the stronger sex who want to maintain male power for many years should carefully monitor not only the diet, but also the lifestyle.
Products that increase potency
The products that men need for potency are distinguished by a large amount of vitamins and minerals. They are allowed to be eaten both separately and as part of other dishes. Many of them have a budget cost, which increases accessibility for all segments of the population.
List of the most useful products for potency
Camel stomach (abomasum). The action of this product is similar to Viagra, but it is not easy to find it on sale. People have been using it to improve men's health for thousands of years. It can significantly increase the duration of sexual life. To strengthen an erection, it should be consumed immediately before the onset of intimacy. It is enough to eat only 3 grams, and the effect will not keep you waiting. You can prepare a special tincture - pour 100 g of rennet into 0. 5 liters of vodka and leave for 14 days.
Oysters. They are considered natural aphrodisiacs. Due to the high concentration of zinc and essential amino acids, they stimulate the synthesis of testosterone and seminal fluid. To get a more pronounced effect, they are sometimes eaten raw, after sprinkling with lemon juice.
But they cannot be abused. They contain large amounts of mercury. In addition, uncooked food may be contaminated with bacteria. If a person has liver disease or damage to the skin, the risk increases even more. An alternative and completely safe way is to take baths with these mollusks.
Certain varieties of marine fish. Flounder is rich in valuable compounds and has a high content of protein, which is in an easily digestible form. To get the desired effect, it is permissible to cook it in any way, except for frying. Mackerel increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood due to the large amount of fatty acids. Phosphorus is responsible for the quality and production of sperm, and iodine increases sexual desire.
Turnip. This vegetable is a storehouse of elements necessary for men's health. It can be eaten boiled, or you can prepare healing mixtures based on it. To do this, combine finely grated turnips with carrots in a ratio of 1 to 1 and add 1 teaspoon of honey. This composition is recommended to use 3 times a day for 1/3 cup. But there are also contraindications to the inclusion of this vegetable in the menu - intestinal inflammation, hepatitis, cholecystitis and disorders of the central nervous system.
Systematic eating has a positive effect on potency. They saturate the body with vitamins and minerals necessary for male strength. The amino acid arginine enhances erection.
You can include a variety of varieties in your diet. Each of them has unique, but equally useful properties. A nut mixture with honey is especially effective.
They are able to increase the frequency and brightness of orgasms. But to improve potency, they need to be consumed only in their raw form. Permissible rate - 4 pcs. per day. They are often added to healing mixtures as an ingredient. If people have problems with the liver, kidneys, or poorly digest protein, then drinking this product should be avoided.
Meat. It can significantly increase sexual desire, enhances the synthesis of thyroxine, a hormone responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. Experts recommend including it in the diet in the treatment of impotence.
The best effect is produced by red meat of low-fat varieties. The best cooking method is steaming or stewing. But when used in excess, it has the opposite effect.
To consolidate the result, you need to adhere to the general principles of proper nutrition - include more in the diet, exclude junk food, drink enough fluids and maintain physical activity. Then you can be confident in your abilities in any situation.